Charms of Care Chiropractic


Hey Mama!

Congratulations on your pregnancy! As you grow your little human without any assistance from the outside world, you deserve to be nurtured with quality care & attention. Real talk… building a baby is not for the faint of heart. The additional strain and tension placed onto the body in such a short time can be uncomfortable, which can warrant gentle support & expertise that can benefit your journey.

Here at Charms of Care, we specifically cater to pregnant mamas by combining personalized chiropractic care with lifestyle guidance based on Dr. Charminae’s skills as a doula & childbirth educator. This not only helps you to adapt to this new experience with fewer challenges & more ease, but it also helps you to create a strategic prenatal self-care routine that works for you! 

Regardless of the current trimester you are in, having increased support and comfort can help you enjoy your pregnancy more while creating an optimal environment for your baby to grow.

Regular prenatal chiropractic care can:

  • Decrease and/or eliminate your pregnancy symptoms (ie: low back, round ligament pain, etc.)
  • Decrease the chances of your baby being breech
  • Help you to maintain comfort throughout your pregnancy

BONUS | It can also:

  • Prepare your body for birth & reduce your labor time
  • Make the 4th trimester less uncomfortable & challenging